I used to be a morning person. I could wake up and feel somewhat refreshed and begin my day as soon as my feet hit the floor. Somewhere along the way, that changed. I still prefer to start my day early. I love trying to get 5 major things done before noon–e.g. work out, make bed, tidy bedroom, grocery shop, get ready for the day. That just doesn’t always happen. But I have been trying extra hard, and I’ve found that prepping the night before helps me have a more productive morning.
The first thing I like to do in the evenings is unplug from technology. My day job used to be at a retail store, and I was a manager, so some nights I wouldn’t get home until 9:30 at night. Being off my phone/computer hours before bedtime (at 10:30) was hard. I usually had blog work to do once I got home. But now, in job limbo, I don’t have that excuse. I’ve been trying to close my laptop and sit down my phone around 8 pm. If anything, I try my hardest not to be on my phone whilst in my bed (try being the operative word.) It helps you relax and ultimately sleep better and wake more well rested.
In the time between logging off social media and going to sleep, I like to make tomorrow’s to-do list. These are personal, but I like to be realistic and start with the most mundane or quickest tasks first. Little things I can do before work, or sometimes even before getting out of my pajamas. This way you already have an outline of what you need to get done the next day and can rest easy knowing you have already sorted it out in your mind.
Picking out my outfit the night before helps me tremendously in the mornings. I can spend an hour staring at my closet, not thinking I have anything acceptable to wear. But if I have it laid out, or at least pictured in my head, all I have to do the next day is put it on. The thinking is already done, and I can get my day going. I don’t always do this, but if I have an event or know I’ll be crunched for time the next day, I like to be prepared.
I personally enjoy having something to look forward to as soon as I wake up. So for me, it’s my morning coffee. I have a coffee pot that allows me to program my morning joe to brew at a specified time. So I love waking up in the morning with the coffee already made, and just sitting outside on the patio or on the sofa with a book or a TV show for a little while in the morning. It allows me to wake up gradually, prep my mind for the day, and figure out what I need to do in order to be productive that day. It also just lets me be with myself. Find your reward for waking up and getting out of bed.
Stick to a night time routine. I know that when I take my bath, apply all of my night time skincare, and fill the essential oil diffuser with lavender and eucalyptus that it’s time for sleep. My body knows and gets sleepy. Come up with your own night time routine to get your body into a schedule. Maybe for you, reading a book before bed relaxes your body and signifies it’s time to settle down, or having a cup of tea (decaf). Find your night time routine and see as your body adjusts to the new schedule.
I hope my ways of prepping for a productive morning help you, and if you have any tips to share, as always feel free to comment with them below.
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