There are few things I like more than feeling cozy. That’s one of the reasons I love the fall season. The weather gets crisp, and a cozy home is on everyone’s mind. I know I can layer knit blankets on every surface and light sweet candles all year round. But West Virginia summers and 90 degree weather, faking the hyyge fall vibe just doesn’t cut it. You know? While the cozy spirit is free, decorating and getting your house cozy ready can be expensive. But it doesn’t have to be. I wanted to share some of my favorite ways to make my home cozy during the fall without spending any money.
Dim the lights
Is anything cozier than a dim and candle lit room? I would argue there isn’t. My first step in creating a warm and cozy atmosphere is lighting a candle and dimming the lights. But if you don’t have a candle on hand, don’t feel like you have to run out and buy one. Simply turning off your overhead lights and relying on dimmer lamp light will immediately tell your brain it’s time to slow down and relax.
And it isn’t just me who says that. Sciences says that. Why do you think so many bars and restaurants keep their lighting dim? It causes you to linger, to enjoy being there, to slow down.
Grab a blanket
It could be 100 degrees, and I would still cuddle up with a blanket. There’s something so comfy cozy about the extra bit of warmth. And honestly it’s the most obvious tip I could give. The right textiles add softness to a room and will get you in the cozy spirit.
Make a cup of coffee
After I’ve dimmed the lights and snuggled up with a warm blanket, a cup of coffee (or your favorite warm beverage) is like the cherry on top. Do I have to say more?
Bring the outside in
I don’t know about you, but there is something calming about bringing the outside indoors. Maybe it sounds a little too Henry Theoreau, but connecting yourself to nature makes you feel a type of way. While you could go out and purchase bouquets of flowers and greenery, you could also go outside and find something for free.
For instance, we have a ton of evergreen trees in our backyard, and I can go out and pick myself a sprig to add to a vase for a minimalist winter arrangement. You could also create with pine cones, sticks, wild flowers, and any other greenery you may have around your home. Just check for bugs.
In every single post I write about getting your home ready for a particular season, I always mention tidying up. Why? Because there is no way you can feel productive, refreshed, or cozy in a messy home. That’s a surefire way to frazzle your brain — the complete opposite of what we’re going for.
Tidy up your bills, do the dishes, make the bed. Trust me, a few minutes of tidying will do wonders for your space. And it doesn’t cost you a thing…except maybe a few minutes.
These are some of my favorite ways to create a cozy atmosphere in my home (without spending any money). How do you get cozy in winter?

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