Say it with me: Don’t need it, noooot gonna buy it.

Raise your hand if you love a good anti-haul -*raises hand.* We’ve entered another year with another bunch of products I really don’t want to buy, don’t need to buy, and you probably don’t either. There have been a lot of product launches announced thus far in 2020. And, honestly, there are a lot of things that had me doing a double take. But there have also been some product announcements that left me wanting more. Some are really pretty, but I know I’ll never use it. And some are just … yawn. Let’s jump into the first anti-haul of the year.
Some of these new products are newly released, pending release, or previously released, but I have feelings about all of them.

Colourpop x Sailor Moon Pretty Guardian palette –
We’re kicking off this anti-haul by focusing on a few products I actually kind of want or at least thought about possibly wanting.
First up is the Pretty Guardian from Colourpop in collaboration with Sailor Moon. To be honest, I never watched the show, so I didn’t have any sentiment with this palette. And at first glance, I thought it was hella boring. Pretty, but boring. I wasn’t even excited by the swatches.
However, once I saw looks being created with it, I changed my mind. The colors are beautiful and unique and vibrant. The shimmers are so good. And I could see myself rocking a lot of these shades as one color lid looks all spring and summer long.
For $20 you get a mix of matte, metallic, super shock, and foiled shadows in the prettiest of pastel shades.
Ultimately, though, I decided against picking this up. I think if I really find myself wishing for this palette, I may try to find a few singles of some of the pastel shades.
2/21: Currently sold out. Will update when restocked.

Jeffree Star Blood Lust Palette –
I have never tried anything from Jeffree Star Cosmetics — mainly because nothing has really intrigued me enough to purchase. But the Blood Lust palette had me doing a bit of a double take.
I love purple shadows, and I was immedately drawn to the light purple shades, that pop of teal, and that chartreuse shade I love so much. But what I realized is I really just liked the idea of those color combinations, not necessarily the palette itself.
Firstly, I don’t like bulky palettes. They’re hard to store, and I just don’t have time for that. Second, this is a palette very catered to someone with light skin. I’d probably get on with this really well, but if you haven’t deeper skin, I don’t think this will best serve you.

Melt Cosmetics Millennial Pinx eye palette –
While I haven’t tried anything from Melt (similar to J*, I just haven’t felt compelled to buy), I appreciate the layout of their palettes. It’s almost like half is one color story and the other is a different but complementary color story.
The Millennial Pinx palette is half your pretty pinks and red, and then the other half is the grungy sister with blacks and grays. I really love it.
I definitely think I could get some really pretty looks from this, and I enjoy a good eye look with pinks. But I have them in my collection already.
I also have blacks and grays and silvers. And besides, I don’t really love pairing black and gray with pinks. I prefer browns.
This isn’t going to be my first Melt purchase.

Mac Fix + Magic Radiance
I don’t have a ton of info on this, but when I saw it come across Trend Mood’s page, I immediately saved it for later.
Mac Fix + is something I always have in my collection. I love using it as a refresher on my skin, to help makeup melt into the skin, and to wet my brushes for intense shimmer/metallic application. And vitamin C is one of my skin’s favorite ingredients. So it’s a no brainer, right?
Well then I thought about it. If you use this after makeup application as a setting spray, I don’t know how effective the vitamin C would be. It’s not touching or able to sink into your skin when applied over all of your layers of makeup.
Second, vitamin C is an ingredient that sensitizes your skin to sun exposure — meaning if you’re using vitamin C, you definitely want to use an SPF. So I don’t how smart it is to use vitamin C as a last step in your routine.
And third, I doubt you’re getting enough of the ingredient to even see results in a spray format like this.
I’m just going to stick to the original formula.
Not yet available; will update when I’ve got more info.

Jaclyn Hill x Morphe Vol. 2 Palette –
You knew this was going to land on an anti-haul. I have so much to say about this, but we’re going to just keep it concise.
Jaclyn Hill and Morphe teamed up yet again for a Volume 2 of her popular palette release. This time it’s a blend of bright and deep pinks, reds, and orange tones.
I’ve mentioned before how I think it’s strange that inflluencers with their own brands keeps collaborating with Morphe as themselves. I just think it’s werid — why wouldn’t you save these concepts for your own brand? I’ve also mentioned that I don’t really trust or care about most Jaclyn Hill launches these days.
But that’s not why I’m skipping out on this.
I think it’s perfectly fine looking. It looks pretty. The price is fine. And I’m sure this palette will perform well.
However, I think a lot of these shades are repetitive. I’ve also got a lot of these warm neutrals and red tones. And the other shades I don’t already have, I don’t really use. So I don’t have a use for this palette.
But if the colors speak to you, I think it’d be fine. I really enjoy her original palette with Morphe.

Too Faced Sun Puppy Bronzer –
I never gravitate toward Too Faced, so off the bat I didn’t want this. I hate their packaging. Sure, it’s cute, but that is not going to tempt me to buy it. And that’s ok. I’m not their customer.
But as for the product itself, I definitely don’t want it. I hate products packaged this way.
You have three different bronzer shades, but they’re arranged in this puppy face. You’re probably supposed to swirl your brush around and use all three shades, but what if you don’t want to?
I don’t need this. Not going to buy it.
$32, available 2/25

I Heart Revolution Heartbreaker eye shadow palettes –
Do these look familiar? Same.
These look exactly like Colourpop’s monochromatic palettes. And those are already fairly inexpensive at $12, but I Heart Revolution priced these at $7, I believe.
A few things:
- While I like the Colourpop monochromatic palettes I have, I don’t use them that much. So I definitely don’t need these.
- I literally hate the packaging and the heart pans.

Benefit Georgia Blush Box –
I am the biggest sucker for peach toned blushes. Because of this, I have a few and probably don’t need another one.
But the main reason this landed on an anti-haul is that I just don’t prefer the Benefit box blush packaging. They’re bulky and I know I won’t reach for it.
Don’t need it, not gonna buy it.
Available 2/25 @ &
Anything on my anti-haul list that you’re eyeing? What’s on your current anti-haul list?

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Product photos provided by Trend Mood Instagram.
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