Recently I have been asked (hounded by my best friend, rather) to come up with a list of beauty bloggers/vloggers that I watch, read, and/or admire. I was a little hesitant, because part of me was a little selfish. I didn’t want to highlight other successful bloggers/vloggers while I’m trying to make a name for myself. However, when I thought about it, I kind of owe part of my interest in the beauty interest to some of these ladies and gentleman.
I suppose I was always kind of into makeup and cosmetics, but my senior year, I discovered Rachel Whitehurst on Tumblr and then Youtube, and my makeup game got stronger as I delved into the world of YouTube Beauty. I still watch every day, and they convince me to spend a lot of money. But I also learn an incredible amount about the industry, which is very helpful with my writing, even outside of this platform–I do write fashion/beauty articles for independent, virtual publications from time to time.
This post is highlighting YouTubers, because that’s where I predominately get my beauty information. So without further ado, a few of my favorite beauty vloggers:
Rachel Whitehurst: As a mentioned, she is who really got me into makeup (and wearing winged eyeliner.) There’s something so genuine and honest about her, and her wit and humor is similar to mine, which makes watching her videos feel like I’m chatting with a girlfriend. While she isn’t a professional makeup artist, her skills are amazing, and it makes me feel better knowing she isn’t incredibly biased to the products she reviews. Basically I just want to be BFFs with her.
Wayne Goss: One, I could listen to him talk all day. I don’t know, his voice is nice to listen to. Two, he is spectacular. He’s another Youtuber whose opinion I trust 100%. He’s always very honest in his reviews and never hesitates to tell you if something doesn’t work. He’s unapologetically himself, and that’s what makes him easy to watch. He is a professional, so the tips and tricks he offers up are valid and very helpful. A lot of what I know about makeup and beauty products, I have learned from watching his videos.
Lisa Eldridge: To me, she is the queen of beauty. Like Wayne, I could, no joke, listen to her talk all day. She is currently a creative director with Lancome and works as a professional makeup artist for magazines. Her big break was doing Cindy Crawford’s makeup for Elle, if that puts in in perspective. She is super informative in her videos and blog posts. When she does makeup tutorials, what I love most is that it’s natural for the most part. You won’t see her doing very many ‘Instagram contour’ looks, but generally I don’t wear an extreme makeup look anyway. My favorite videos she does are when she talks through historical makeup or based on decades.
Tati Westbrook: Like Lisa, Tati’s tutorials are fairly natural (is it ever ‘natural’ with makeup?), which is more close to what I wear on a normal day. She has daily series’ on her channel, that I get sucked into. For instance, one day she will do a ‘WTF’ day, where she reviews and tests high end products–and not just high end products, ridiculously priced products. Some are hits, some are not, but she’s definitely transparent about her feelings.
Jackie Aina: I love following beauty accounts whose owner has a different skintone/ethnicity than I do. I know what works on my ultra-fair, combination skin. I know the colors that look good on light, white skin. But if I were to do makeup on someone with a medium-deep skintone, I’d be lost. I love Jackie, because of her name. Just kidding (; I love watching her because she’s funny and talented and creative. And I love watching people with a real passion.
Jaclyn Hill: Maybe one of the more peppy YouTubers I follow, she’s still great. In contrast to Lisa Eldridge’s tutorials, hers are a little more extreme and noticeable, I suppose, but she’s so fun to watch and makes me want to be a little more adventurous with my makeup. She’s also a professional, so she offers informative and helpful tips on application/about products. To me, I feel like she’s very real and thoughtful when it comes to her following.
Chriselle Lim: Again, I love following beauty vloggers/bloggers who don’t share my ethnicity. I always look to Chriselle for skincare tips. She generally has the same skin type as me, so it works out really well, and she utilizes Korean skincare routines, and they know their skincare. I also love her style, but we’re talking beauty here, so I won’t dive too deep into that.
There’s a general theme with who I like to follow–people who seem very real, transparent, and honest. I look to these people for advice and tips, so I need someone to be honest with me. I feel like all of these talented individuals are. Ok. I’m really bad at explaining why I love these people, so you will really just have to find out yourselves by clicking the links to their channels. Be warned, though, you may get sucked in.
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