Who else binged Bridgerton in 2 days? *raises hand* Yeah, same. It was so good! More sexual than I anticipated, but good! Other things that were good: the costumes, the set design, the hair, and the makeup. I have no doubt there will be all sorts of Bridgerton inspired trends in fashion, home, and beauty in the coming months. But today I wanted to talk about Bridgerton inspired makeup. A few months ago, I created a fictitious FRIENDS themed makeup collection after Makeup Revolution hugely disappointed me with their version. And I’ve been wanting to do another TV inspired makeup collection but was lacking any major inspiration. That is until Bridgerton. So that’s what we’re doing today, unveiling my Bridgerton inspired makeup collection.
The logistics –
Similar to the FRIENDS themed palette, I used the Palette Designer on Lethal Cosmetics website to create these Bridgerton inspired palettes. Again, I love the shade variety Lethal offers, and the palette designer is fun and easy to use. Technically, you can purchase these palettes via the palette designer, and I do include the Lethal shade names in case any of you do.
For the lip bundle, I used the Gucci Rouge à Lèvres Voile Sheer Lipstick* as inspiration for a few reasons. The first is that I wanted a sheer wash of color, and I like these for that effect. The formula on these lipsticks is gorgeous and comfortable. The second is the packaging is gorgeous. So again, you can technically purchase this “bundle.”
The outline –
I’m going to organize this similar to the last collection mock up. I’ll start by going over my initial thought process and inspirations for the collection as a whole. Then I’ll get into each individual shade/name/and inspiration.
My Bridgerton Inspired Makeup Collection
Something I can’t help but notice in movies or TV is the use of color. It’s a staple in a filmmaker’s toolkit and is used to all sorts of things — from invoking emotion from the audience, differentiating families/themes/storylines, or as a descriptor to further explain characters. In The Haunting of Hill House, I immediately recognized the use of dark, shadowy colors in the chilling, present day and the saturated and bright colors in happier flashbacks. The Grand Budapest Hotel, and any Wes Anderson film honestly, can practically be considered a moving VSCO filter; but also a good example of the use of color. Each timeline is depicted by its own succulent color palette, and as we begin to learn grim details of our main characters, the colors reflect that as well. It’s beautiful genius.
But my point is color was something I was immediately drawn to in Bridgerton. And that is what led my inspiration for the following 2 eyeshadow palettes. The Bridgerton’s, and main character family, represent the traditional high society of Regency London while the Featherington’s represent new money and social climbing. And that is predominately what the collection is.
This Bridgerton inspired makeup collection is comprised of 2 palettes (1 inspired by the Bridgerton’s and 1 inspired by the Featherington’s), each with a mixture of: one blush, one highlight, 4 metallic eyeshadows, and 2 matte eyeshadows. It’s also accompanied by 3 tinted lip balms.
The – Regency – Palette

The Regency Palette is my Bridgerton family inspired palette. It was largely inspired by the Bridgerton house colors — pastel pink, blue, and purple hues. The name, Regency, comes from Regency London, where the show is set. As a whole, the color story is representative of the high society families in Regency London — sophisticated, posh, and not trying so hard. The Bridgerton’s are a notable and respected family with a firm place in society, and Daphne is coined the diamond of the season in terms of potential suitors.

I kept the color story here light, soft, and fresh with blues, pinks, purples, and browns. The highlight is soft, and the blush is fresh and bright but not too statement making.

Season’s Diamond
Lethal Cosmetics Shade: Afterglow (sheer white with icy blue reflections & a pearlescent finish)

Lethal Cosmetics Shade: Nymph (ivory with silver highlights & a metallic finish)

Lethal Cosmetics Shade: Arsenic (sheer white with pink reflections & a pearlescent finish)

Lethal Cosmetics Shade: Descent (lavender with silver highlights & a metallic finish)

Lethal Cosmetics Shade: Altitude (pastel periwinkle with a matte finish)

Lethal Cosmetics Shade: Midway (beige with neutral undertones & a matte finish)

Lethal Cosmetics WAVELENGTH Pressed Highlighter Shade: Ionic (delicate ivory with rose quartz highlights)

Lethal Cosmetics MAGNETIC Face Powder Shade: Nectar (peach blush)
The – New Money – Palette

The New Money palette was inspired by the Featherington family. Their house colors are extremely more saturated and brighter in hue compared to the Bridgerton’s. The family members, and even the staff, are often found in bright pinks, greens, and yellows. And, honestly, it was a perfect color story for a palette. While the Bridgerton’s represent old money and classic respect, the Featherington’s and their house colors represent new money, climbing the social ranks, and making a statement. Think East Egg vs. West Egg from The Great Gatsby. One is reserved, quiet, and sophisticated. The other is extravagant, eye catching, and lavish. Portia Featherington is consistently trying to make sure her girls are noticed so that they can be married off to other prominent families. That’s where the name, New Money, came from.

The color story in this palette is punchy and bright, full of hot pink, chartreuse, and gold. The highlight is a little more of the golden side than the previous, and the blush is an eye catching cool toned lavender.

Lethal Cosmetics Shade: Enigma (fuchsia/blue duochrome with a metallic finish)

Lethal Cosmetics Shade: Covet (copper/red/gold trio chrome with glittery metallic)

Lethal Cosmetics Shade: Vertigo (sultry gold with a glittery metallic finish)

Lethal Cosmetics Shade: Cryptic (olive green/gold duochrome with a metallic finish)

Lethal Cosmetics Shade: Esteem (tumeric with a matte finish)

Lethal Cosmetics Shade: Cascade (cerise with a matte finish)

Lethal Cosmetics WAVELENGTH Pressed Highlighter Shade: Isotope (glamorous champagne with light gold highlights)

Lethal Cosmetics MAGNETIC Face Powder Shade: Hybrid (lavender blush)
The – Garden Escapade – Lip Trio
I knew I wanted to include a lip bundle of some kind. And to keep in theme of the makeup not only in the show, but of the time, I went in the direction of a tinted sheer formula. You’ll notice throughout the show, while the characters have a bit of color to their lip, it is fairly similar to the blush color and very sheer, almost unnoticeable.
This little lip bundle consists of 3 lip colors inspired by both families and will complement each palette. I titled this trio The Garden Escapade Trio, pulling inspiration from the times Daphne found herself in the scandalous situation of being alone with men in the gardens.

White Roses
Gucci Rouge à Lèvres Voile Sheer Lipstick Shade: Katrin Sand* (bronzed sand sheer)

Gucci Rouge à Lèvres Voile Sheer Lipstick Shade: The Painted Veil* (rosewood sheer)

Gucci Rouge à Lèvres Voile Sheer Lipstick Shade: Louisa Red* (cherry red sheer)
So there you have it, my Bridgerton inspired makeup collection. What do you think?
Again, you can technically purchase the palettes and lip trio, as they are created from existing products from Lethal Cosmetics and Gucci. I have included all of the link throughout the post!

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