Let me preface by saying, I’m a total slut for compliments. I’d be lying through my teeth if I said I didn’t love hearing a good compliment about myself. It makes you feel really good; who doesn’t love that? Don’t get me wrong, I love hearing compliments on my makeup and people telling me I’m “pretty” (Lord knows I need it lately.) But I also find it incredibly lovely when people pick up on other things about me, too. So that’s what I felt like talking about today, compliments that aren’t about my looks. Here a few things people have commented on that have made me smile a little.
I give good gifts
This may be a bit of a random one. But when friends and family comment about my gift giving ability, I really get the fuzzies. I love giving gifts. It’s really fun and satisfying to me to scope out something I know someone will absolutely love.
This compliment is also two fold. I really pride myself on being attentive and being able to read people well. To me, being able to find gifts people adore puts those two qualities to use and proves that maybe I am pretty good at them, too.

My empathy, perspective + being a good person
I have noticed I get a handful of compliments, specifically when I’m interacting with a service workers — think waiters, cashiers, etc. I often hear, “You’re very pleasant.” In fact, I handed my ID to a cashier in New York, and she said, “You’re so pleasant; I knew you weren’t from here.”
As someone who suffers with anxiety and depression, it’s exceptionally easy for me to convince myself I’m not a “good” person, that I’m not “good” enough, not thoughtful or compassionate enough. It’s also easy for me to think I’m not interesting or unique or authentic enough. And socially, it’s not uncommon for me to sulk thinking my friends don’t like me, that I don’t put in enough effort, or that I’m coming off rude or stand-offish.
So when I receive comments like “I value your openness,” “I like your perspective,” or “You’re a good person,” it really makes my day. Comments about my character reinforce some of the things I think about myself but think I’m giving myself too much credit for. When other people feel them, too, I feel content. And truthfully, I find compliments that aren’t about my looks to hold more weight.
The way I’m passionate about what I like
This is one of my favorite compliments, actually. It’s true: I do get pretty passionate about things I find near and dear, or remotely show an interest in. I can’t tell you how many times Fitz has asked me: “Why are you shouting at me? I agree with you!”
What can I say? I’m a very passionate person. *shrugs*

My blog / work ethic
I’ve got a lot passions and ideas and plans and things to say. But I also have a lot of anxiety and doubts and fears and voices in my head, so much so that I sometimes feel I’m not successful. Maybe my mind’s definition of success is outlandish and unattainable (it probably is).
Positive comments regarding my work, make me feel really good. I’m not going to lie. I do work hard, and very rarely do I refrain from giving something my 100%. Though I’m not the type of person who works for recognition, it definitely doesn’t hurt.
As for my blog, let me tell you a little story. I was at a wedding last summer, when someone in casual conversation told me how much she loved reading my blog. And I teared up. For real.
We’re a small little community over here, but this is something I really love doing. And every time someone says they’ve read, shared, enjoyed a post, it makes me immensely happy.
And there you have it, 4 compliments that aren’t about my looks that make me feel warm and fuzzy inside. As I said, they reinforce things I’d like to think about myself and sometimes don’t. What do you love to be complimented on? Is it your art? Cooking? Taste in music? Let me know below in the comments!

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