Natasha Denona always puts out palettes that cause me to a double take. The color stories and layouts are truly beautiful. And while I have only purchased a couple of them in the past, I always enjoy photos and looks I see using her shadows. I posted a Natasha Denona Glam Palette Alternatives post (read me here) full of alternatives to the cooler toned Glam Palette, and you guys loved it! It’s still one of my most popular posts months later, so I wanted to find alternatives to other palettes, too. This time we’re looking at alternatives you may like if you’re eyeing the Natasha Denona Love Palette.
DISCLAIMER: I added this disclaimer in the first post, and I’m going to do so again. These are alternative palettes, not “dupe” palettes. So it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re inexpensive or drugstore items, though some are. It just means it’s an alternative to the ND Love Palette you may prefer for one reason or another.
The Natasha Denona Love Palette

If you love pinks and purples, this is definitely a palette surely to catch your eye. I know it caught mine. The Love Palette* is one of the smaller, $65 palettes, which isn’t a terrible price point. Personally I wish she’d just forgo the larger, $129 palettes. No one needs that much shadow. I digress.
The Natasha Denona Love palette retails for $65 and consists of 15 shades of the ND signature formula in shades of pink, mauve, purple, coral, silvery neutrals, rich burgundies, and a fiery red. The color story provides everything you need from bold, punchy looks to everyday pink toned looks. I think the addition of the red and silvery tones really make this palette special and unlike a lot on the market. However, I was able to find some other palettes that could help you achieve similar looks.
Natasha Denona Love Palette* ($65)
Natasha Denona Love Palette Alternatives
No. 1 | Natasha Denona Mini Love

I love that Natasha Denona comes out with small, 5-pan palettes that complement some of the larger palettes. It’s a nice extension for those who purchase the larger palettes, but also it’s a more concise (& less expensive) option for those who don’t need 15 shades.
The Mini Love Palette consists of 5 shades and retails for $25. With the exception of the brighter red and brighter purple, I think you’d be able to achieve a lot of similar looks with the mini version of the Love Palette as you would with the larger palette. And if those brighter shades weren’t the most interesting for you, this may be an even better option anyway.
Natasha Denona Mini Love Palette* ($25)
No. 2 | Alter Ego Blooms

On this list of Natasha Denona Love Palette Alternatives, this Blooms palette from Alter Ego is going to be the most literal. The shades are almost identical, just in a different organization within the palette. Personally, I haven’t used an Alter Ego eyeshadow palette, but I have heard good things about the quality of the shadows. And this one only retails for $16! So if you really love the entire color story in the ND Love Palette but maybe can’t afford it right now, the Alter Ego palette may be a good option for you.
Alter Ego Blooms Palette ($16)
No. 3 | Anastasia Beverly Hills x Jackie Aina

This is going kind of my outlier on this list. Firstly, it’s the least similar. Secondly, it can be found on a few websites, but it is discontinued. I wanted to include this, because I own it. And it’s one of the reasons I decided not to purchase the Love Palette.
Sure, it has a few deep orange tones, browns, a green duochrome, a couple more golds. I know, how is this even on this list? Because it does have a brighter pink, a deeper berry, a bright violet, and a royal purple shimmer. It has a red, a golden topper type of shade. My point is, it has some similar colors. If you cover up the right 6 shades, it’s pretty similar.
And I’m not someone who does pink eyes often, and I don’t do bright pink eyes ever. So this palette really gives me the looks I’d most likely achieve with the Love Palette. And if you also have the ABH x Jackie Aina palette, you may not actually need the Love Palette at all.
To read my review of this palette, click here.
Anastasia Beverly Hills x Jackie Aina Palette ($45 $31.50)
No. 4 | Colourpop It’s My Pleasure

Colourpop has a million palettes, and they have a few that are similar to the Love Palette. But I wanted to include It’s My Pleasure on this list, because I think it satisfies a part of the palette some of the other options don’t — the purples. The key differences here are obvious the Love Palette gravitates more to the pink with punches of purple, and It’s My Pleasure has a couple more purple options. But It’s My Pleasure leans very pink toned. And I do think you could get some similar looks on the eye, especially if you’re eyeing the purple shades in the Love Palette.
Plus, we know how much I love the Colourpop eye shadow formula. For $14, it’s a smaller, more affordable option to satisfy the purple/pink cravings.
To read my review of this palette, click here.
Colourpop It’s My Pleasure Palette ($14)
No. 5 | Juvia’s Place The Berries

I love these little 6-pan palettes from Juvia’s Place. The formula on these shadows are great, and the smaller, more concise color story makes them really easy to use, even for beginners. I have two on this list. The first is The Berries palette. It consists of 6 brighter pink and berry shades in a mix of matte and shimmer. This palette really looks similar to the left hand side of the Love Palette. No golds, but if you already have golds in your collection, or are really more interested in the color, this may be a good option for you.
Juvia’s Place The Berries Palette* ($14)
No. 6 | Juvia’s Place The Mauves

Like I said, I have two of these little 6-pan palettes from Juvia’s Place on this list. The second is The Mauves palette. It’s a little less intense and bold than The Berries, but I think it makes for a really nice alternative to the Love Palette from Natasha Denona. It reminds me a little of the 2nd and 3rd columns in the Love Palette — with the lighter pink shimmer, deep berry, coral. And then it also includes a brighter violet, deep burgundy, and matte pink as well.
I think this one will give you more everyday types of looks than The Berries palette does. But I definitely think you can also create standout looks with this one, too.
Juvia’s Place The Mauves* ($14)
No. 7 | Nabla Cutie Palette – Wild Berries

And the last palette on the list, but certainly not the least, is another 6-pan, but this time from Nabla Cosmetics. The Cutie Palette in Wild Berries is another concise, pink and purple palette. I think you can teeter between bold and everyday looks wit this little palette. I particularly think this is a good option if you do lean a little more everyday.
There is a matte camel color that I think not only adds a transition shade/good blending shade. But I also like that pop of warm brown for breaking up pinks and purples for someone who may not be super comfortable with ultra bright looks. The dark burgundy will be great for a liner shade or for adding depth. There are two matte better, one more pink, one more purple. And there are two metallic shades. I think this is a really nice palette. And it’s only $24, so a little more cost effective than the Natasha Denona Love Palette.
Nabla Cutie Palette Wild Berries* ($24)
There you go, dudes — 7 solid Natasha Denona Love Palette alternatives. If you had your eye on the Love Palette but can’t take the plunge to purchase, or don’t want to for whatever reason, these palettes may be good options for you to consider. What do you think of the Love Palette?

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