I’ve previously made mention of the sheer amount of product being released and used by consumers. I’ve done quite a few anti-haul posts, because truthfully I don’t need everything released. Neither do you. So often we let our excitement about new products take the focus away from older products. Sometimes we like them better, but a lot of the time when something else gets released, those new products become the old. The cycle goes around and around.
A few weeks ago, Taylor from Thatayla on Youtube, posted a video looking at her first orders from Sephora. I loved this idea and thought it was really unique and interesting. Since then, a lot of other Youtubers have jumped on board, and I wanted to be included as well. As I said, I love the idea of reminding myself what I have used and my feelings toward them.
When I scrolled all the way to the bottom on my Sephora orders, I noticed the first order listed was in 2012–April 2012 to be exact. What was little Jacqie doing then? Well she was a freshman in college, dorm living, and was new to the Youtube beauty community scene. I didn’t actually start getting into makeup until my senior year of high school, so it was all pretty new to me. A lot of my purchases came from recommendations from my favorite Youtubers, but I went astray sometimes. And it was interesting.
2 April 2012
- NARS Lipstick in ‘Roman Holiday:’ I actually still have this one and use it. It’s a sheer pastel pink, and I love wearing it over a darker lip liner. I find it to be a really fresh looking pink, and since it’s sheer, it doesn’t make me feel cheap or like I’m wearing a Barbie bubble gum pink. It still seems mature to me.
9 April 2012
- Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil in ‘Zero:’ Another product I still have use. I don’t use nearly as much black eyeliner as I used to, but I do reach for this when I want a pencil liner in a black. These liners from UD are creamy and last on my eyes, and I still really like them to this day. I’ve repurchased it many times since 2012.
- Origins Zero Oil Oil-Free Moisture Lotion: This used to be my go-to moisturizer back in the day. From middle school to about my sophomore year of college, I thought I had an acne problem. In hindsight, I broke out around my period and definitely didn’t have an acne issue. My skin was definitely more dry than it is now, however. I used this to control oil, and I do remember it working. I purchased it quite a few times after this, probably for another year. But it’s definitely not something I’d reach for now that my skin is a little drier. They do still make it though, and it’s still pretty popular.
26 April 2013
- Urban Decay Naked2 Palette: Ah, UD’s Naked palettes. The original Naked palette was my first love, but I vividly remember being enthralled opening this package. I was so excited to get this palette. All of my favorite Youtubers had it, and I was excited to follow the tutorials. And YDK was calling my name. Like black liner, I wore a lot more cool shades back then than I do now. I’ve recently decluttered this palette because I didn’t use it, but it was amazing at the time. And it was much loved.
27 May 2013
- Boscia Detoxifying Black Charcoal Cleanser: This entire order was probably placed after watching a Youtube video. I remember Rachel Whitehurst using this, and her word was gospel. I still remember this, and I liked it. It’s not my holy grail cleanser, but it definitely does the job. Back then, I was lucky if I washed my face at all. Now, I view cleansing a little differently.
- NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer: Who didn’t buy this around this time? An oldie but goodie. It’s still a beloved concealer among many, and I purchased so many of these in the past. I don’t use it or crave it recently, though. It’s a little thicker than I like. In 2013, I wore a lot more makeup than I do now, and I wouldn’t be caught dead without a full coverage foundation. This concealer worked with that. But I opt for a light coverage base now, and this is just too much against it. So I opt for a concealer that is a light to medium coverage as well. I would still recommend it, though, if it fits your needs!
- MUFE 5 Camouflage Cream Palette Color Correct & Concealer: This one was all Fleur De Force. Again, I had a very skewed sense of my skin, and I thought I had a lot more issues than I did. 2013 Jacqie thought she had dark circles to correct? She’d think 2018 Jacqie was the Crypt Keeper. I used the entirety of this product. The green was great for redness, the yellowy and orange tones were good for color correction, and then there was a concealer shade that worked for me. I don’t think I’d purchase something like this again, because I just don’t need that many steps. I don’t color correct unless I really want my skin to look flawless. On an everyday basis, I would never reach for something like this.
- Coconut Watercolor Cheek Gelee: It’s probably not good, but I have the same exact product I bought in 2013. I’m not even sure they make this anymore. I still use it, though; I found myself picking it up a few times over the summer. It’s not my favorite cream/gel type of blush product though. And I’m not even sure why I bought it back then; I never used products like this. It’s gotten more use recently than it did when I bought it. What I like is that it’s almost cooling on the face and doesn’t look harsh. It looks pretty natural.
30 May 2014
- Bare Minerals bareSkin Pure Brightening Serum Foundation: And yet we have another product that was an influencer recommendation. But I’m glad I stumbled upon it. I remember really enjoying this. It’s a lightweight, serum like foundation that gave me enough coverage to cover my far and few blemishes without feeling heavy. Would I repurchase it now? Probably not. I just have so many other foundation I enjoy, including the Complexion Rescue from Bare Minerals.
- NARS Lipstick in ‘Dolce Vita:’ Another NARS lipstick I still have, use, and love. The NARS lipsticks to me are classic. ‘Dolce Vita’ is a sheer dusty rose that is almost like a ‘my lips but better’ kind of color.
5 August 2014
- Philosophy Purity Made Simple Cleanser: I’m not going to linger, because we all know I love this. Bought it then; buy it now–will always buy it. But this is probably when I was introduced to my love.
- NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer: Another one <3
- Rosebud Perfume Co. Rosebud Salve: Ooh, I love this stuff. For the longest time, this was my go-to lip balm. But it was also amazing for cuticles, my psoriasis, and any other dry spots. I still have a couple of these!
10 September 2014
- Tocca Crema Veloce Hand Cream Trio: I don’t think I’ve touched base on this before, but I’m obsessed with hand cream. I can’t stand when my hands feel dry. Not to mention, everyone uses anti-aging products on their face, but neglect their hands. The hands are a good way of telling your age. So… I’m not picky with hand lotions, though. These were nice; the formula moisturized my skin and lasted for a while during the day. They smell lovely, but I prefer an unscented or lightly scented lotion, just so it doesn’t compete with any fragrance I’m wearing. But I’d use these again.
- First Aid Beauty Face Cleanser: And I won’t linger here either (;
- Fresh Sugar Roll-on Deodorant Antiperspirant: I’m actually not sure what inspired this purchase. I do remember using this, and I felt fancy seeing it in my cabinet. I think I liked it, but I honestly don’t remember. Would I buy it again? I don’t think so, because I’m a slave to my Crystal Essence deodorant.
26 November 2014
- Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz in ‘Soft Brown:’ Everyone loves a Brow Wiz. This is a product I’ll purchase if it’s most convenient, but it’s not my absolute favorite. It’s an amazing product, but I’ve found less expensive alternatives since 2014.
- Beautyblender the original beautyblender: And the sponge love began. Beauty Blender sponges were the only sponges I would use, now…my favorite is the pink one from L’Oreal. Actually I’ve been using brushes again, but that L’Oreal sponge has stolen the show from the original Beauty Blender. It’s just less expensive and works a little better, in my opinion. I like the finish it gives me better.
As you can see, my tastes have changed a lot since placing these orders. I think it’s fun to see what I used to like and how I used to do my makeup. If compared this list to my more recent purchases, I think we’d find I’m a lot more skincare focused, obsessed with Hourglass, and make much more frequent and expensive orders.
What are some of your first purchases from Sephora? Do you still use those products? Or have you ditched them something new? I’d love to know!
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